Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Gavyn is 8 months old!!

My lil boy is turning into a BIG boy. It really kinda depresses me. Hes actually only 4 months away from being a year old. That just seems unreal. I can remember having him like it was yesterday. We got up and went to the Dr's Office at Like 7 in the morning. We waited in the waiting room for a little over an hour. Finally, Dr. Sparkman got there and sent us over to the hospital. There I was admitted into the OB Ward and hooked up to a bunch of machines. I had to wear the stupid gown with no back. LOL!! Finally at 10 that morning, Dr Sparkman broke my water. The contractions didn't start until later that day and there were some rough ones. My Mom and Doug were with me all day and my in-laws and Father showed up that evening. My mother finally went home about 5ish and my in-laws sat with me while Doug went to get something to eat. (Im still mad at him because he went to Red Lobster!!!!!) While Doug was gone the contractions got really hard. All I could think of was how I needed to breath. When Doug returned he began to rub my back. He was really good. I eventually got really, really tired of all of the people being in there so I told them to leave. They all were mad, but I don't care. They should have understood!! They gave me an epidural about 8ish and boy, that was sooooooo good!!! It helped so much. they put me on oxygen about 9ish and my mom showed up somewhere in there. She stayed with us until the end. Finally, at 4:25am Dr. Sparkman entered and said that we were ready to do a C-section. I was so relieved. I couldn't believe how long I had been there. Gavyn Allen Danker entered this world at 5:22am on August 14, 2008. He weighed 6 lbs, 12 oz and was 20 inches long. When I first saw him all I could see was how much he looked just like Doug and his red hair.

Wow!! I can't hardly remember what happened yesterday, but I can remember what happened almost a year ago.My lil boy is so lovable and everything, but I don't even want to imagine that it will end in the next few years. I totally understand what my mom used to go through. She cried when I turned 13 and when I entered High School. Heck, she cried when I graduated, got married, and had my first child. Its so amazing that I understand now what she was talking about. It does upset me to think that he wont be my little boy anymore.

But until then......

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe it's already 8 months! thanks for sharing your birth story!
